The “Owlets” came about through play. I wanted to see what form i could make out of just a single simple sphere and single simple cylinder. To my amazement I ended up with these highly characterful pieces which look like a combination of an owls and an aliens head. Though looking at the pieces it becomes clear just how much processing the brain does recognising faces. One can concentrate on the form being a simple dissection of a sphere with a circle, but the moment the piece turns, a face is thrust into my mind by my brain.

It is made from buff clay fired to 1200°c, with a teal glaze around the outside, then refired to 1080°c with a blue streaked crystal glaze for the interior space (or the eyes as my brain insists). With the second firing being after a point where the clay was non-porous applying the glaze the second time was difficult to judge. As a result of over applying the glaze a fortunate happenstance occured on one of the pair and it coagulated around the bottom of one of the eyes creating what looks very much like a tear. Ah random chance, my favourite method of creation:)

The dimensions of the two pieces are about 10cm x 10cm x 10cm

They are both currently available to buy and I would be happy to sell each for £20